Prueba tu nivel de inglés

Tener el conocimiento básico del idioma Inglés para venir Australia ayuda. Muchas veces creemos que entendemos pero al llegar es otra la historia!

En el siguiente test averiguarás tu nivel de inglés. Responde las preguntas y revisa tus resultados!

IMPORTANTE: El siguiente test es únicamente para obtener un resultado aproximado a tu nivel de inglés actual y no representa un resultado oficial para aplicar a ningún colegio o a ninguna visa. Este test fue diseñado por un profesor certificado de inglés pero no tiene ninguna validez académica.

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the correct answer for each question. Approximate duration: 30 min.

First Part

1. What did you buy yesterday?

Correct! Wrong!

2. Where is Michaela?

Correct! Wrong!

3. You look worried – what happened?

Correct! Wrong!

4. The town ______________ the earthquake.

Correct! Wrong!

5. _____________ at the moment?

Correct! Wrong!

6. Simon went home earlier today. He _____________

Correct! Wrong!

7. Would you rather ________ with them or with us?

Correct! Wrong!

8. A: “My car has broken down! I don’t know anything about engines!”
B: Oh no! _____________?

Correct! Wrong!

9. Terrence was surprised when he ran _____ Julie ____ the audience at the football match.

Correct! Wrong!

10. _______________, Sophie went for a morning walk

Correct! Wrong!

11. Which sentence is correct?

Correct! Wrong!

12. This is the man _______________

Correct! Wrong!

13. Excuse me… ______

Correct! Wrong!

14. A: “Are you ok? You look sleepy.”
B: “____ neighbours were so noisy – I had ________”

Correct! Wrong!

English Test | First Part
Save this score and continue to the next part of the exam.

Second Part | Reading

Read the following story

My first overseas holiday

I left Sydney at night and slept on the flight nearly the whole way, until we made a bumpy landing at Changi Airport. From the airport I took the first taxi I found and ended up paying about $35 for what turned out to be a luxury taxi. Ripped off, perhaps, but it was nice to be offered champagne on the way to the city! Lesson learned – unless the meter is running, always negotiate a fare before sitting down.

I arrived at the Madras Hotel in Little India (which my parents had booked it for me in advance), dumped my belongings and then went out for the day. I walked through the steamy Singapore Botanic Gardens to wake up and strolled past scores of people practicing the ancient martial art of tai chi. Then I caught the bus to Orchard Road, a buzzing shopping district and had breakfast at a small café.

The rest of the day I walked around the city, taking some great shots of the city skyline. In the afternoon I headed to Raffles Hotel to drink one of their signature Singapore Slings, then followed it up with curry and rice at a small eatery in Little India. I ate with thousands of others who were out on the street celebrating the traditional festival of Deepavali.

On my second day in Singapore I headed to Sentosa Island, an island resort connected by bridge to Singapore. There I swam in the South China Sea and had my photo taken at what claimed to be the southernmost point of the Asian continent (although, in hindsight, really isn’t; consider that Sentosa Island is an island off another island, Singapore; if we’re counting islands as part of the continent, then Indonesia would be further south). Tired, that night I had an easy food court dinner at the world’s largest fountain at Suntec City, just out of the main centre.

Singapore was amazing – high tech and glitzy and super organised. Overall, it was the perfect stopover on the way to my adventure in the Middle East, and the best introduction I could have had to international travel. Some people say it’s too boring and sterile, but I disagree; Singapore has its own charm, and if you ever want a bit of grit and grunge just head over to a hawker market for some of the city’s famous street stall dinners.

Select the correct answer:

15. After paying $35 for the taxi, the writer…

Correct! Wrong!

16. In the Botanic Gardens, the writer…

Correct! Wrong!

17. The writer spent most of the rest of the first day…

Correct! Wrong!

18. A Singapore Sling is…

Correct! Wrong!

19. The writer…

Correct! Wrong!

20. Overall, the writer thinks Singapore…

Correct! Wrong!

English Test | Second Part
Now is the moment to find where are you standing. Please add the score of the previous part with the score of this second part. Refer to the results table below to find your English level.


0 – 4

Indicates a student ready to start at ELEMENTARY level.

5 – 9

indicates a student ready to start at PRE-INTERMEDIATE level

10 – 14

indicates a student ready to start at INTERMEDIATE level.

15 – 19

indicates a student ready to start at UPPER INTERMEDIATE level.


indicates a student ready to start at ADVANCED level.
¿Qué curso Necesito?
Te podemos ayudar a encontrar el curso que más se ajuste a tus necesidades.
Preparación para exámenes
Inglés EAP
Inglés de Negocios
Agendar Cita